Make $$$ by spending 3 seconds sending 2 simple magic words on an email
I have only been working online for the last 3 years, before that, I had regular jobs for 12 years, jobs in the ones I needed to send and receive emails and phone calls. #onlinemarketing On those jobs, I never really had the option of not replying to an email, because that could have gotten me or someone else fired or in trouble, and also I always understood that my leads, customers, suppliers, co-workers, students, etc are people too and they deserve an answer, even if it's a short one. And also it takes me 3 seconds to write, "got it, thanks" or "I understand, thanks for the update" or "Received, thanks". When I started working online I was amazed at the number of people that didn't reply to my emails, so today I will teach you a simple way to turn those leads you think they hate you and that's why they ghosted you, into clients. 1. open the email of the person who ghosted you. 2. click reply and paste the following two...